Friday, October 23, 2009

Healthy = Happy

WARNING - The following blog doesn't have any funny stories or cute pictures, just my opinion. Read further if you want.

As the weather turns colder and the sniffles and coughs start to creep into our lives, I have been researching and thinking about how to keep my family healthy this winter. With a baby in the house, the health of my family is a top priority. If Banana gets sick, there isn't anything I can do for her in the way of medicine. Everyone knows that sick kids are miserable, both them and the parents! The threat of different flus, including H1N1, is a huge concern for Chris and me.

We have made the decision to not give our kids any flu shots. There is a lot of pressure out here to have our whole family innoculated against the flu and H1N1 because we have a baby in our family. However, we feel strongly that these vaccinations are not the answer. We know we can prevent and treat illnesses through other methods. How? WASH YOUR HANDS! I'm sure my kids are sick of me saying this, but it's the best thing anyone can do to prevent illnesses. I also have a can of Lysol in strategic locations in the house.

We are also using essential oils a lot more. Many of you know that Chris and I have used oils for a while, and we are using them more than ever now. We believe that these oils will help in the prevention and treatment of illnesses. They are certified pure, therapuetic, and we use them for many different purposes. I feel good about using these natural oils for the benefit of my family. If you want to know more about the oils we use, let me know. I won't push them on anyone, but I will happily answer any questions and talk to anyone about the tremendous physical, emotional, and mental benefits of the oils. We owe a huge thanks to Chris' mom, Cathy, for her tireless efforts in sharing the oils with everyone and anyone and constantly supplying us with oils.

Just to clarify, we do give our kids the standard vaccines (MMR, polio, etc.), but we are not giving them any flu shots. For those of you who do get flu shots, it is your decision and I hope you don't think I am ridiculing you or questioning your judgement. This is just what we are doing for our family.

Ok, I am off my soapbox. The purpose of our blog is to share pics of the kids since we live far away from everyone, but for some reason I felt the need to do this post. I hope that everyone I love and care about stays healthy during the cold weather!


Anonymous said...

More power to you! To each his own right :)

It's funny because this year I got a flu shot. I haven't had one since I was probably 20 and every year I get sick. This year I haven't been sick once (knock on wood) and I usually would have been sick twice by now. So for me, that darn flu shot seems to be working (once again, knock on wood). Ben on the other hand never gets one and is always fine. Turd.


Holly said...

You and Chris are making your best decisions what is right for you and your family and nobody should knock that. Only you two know what you should do.

Anonymous said...

We aren't getting shots either.